- Fill low spots and grade to approximate level.
- May addpeat moss or well rotted manure if desired.
- Rough spade or rototill the area to be planted.
- Rake, roll and level until the surface is smooth. Dragging an upside down pallet behind a four-wheeler or riding mower gives surprising results.
The First 14 Days are Important
Keep the lawn moist at all times for the first two weeks, preferably by light sprinklings 3 or 4 times per day. However, if this is not possible, soak your lawn for 30 minutes, or until run-off is detected. This watering process should be repeated twice a day (early morning and evening), and at least one light watering around midday. After the first two weeks water every other day until the first cutting. Don't let the lawn dry out. If the germinating seedlings dry out, they will die. Windy days or extremely hot days may require more frequent watering.